MC Hammer spoke at the event, and frankly, blew everyone away with his knowledge of social media. He hung out after he spoke, listened to other speakers, and did the fan photo thing.
Hammer's show at Harvey's was great, too. I was stunned by the excitement in the room.
The show culminated with him bringing half the audience to the stage for the final song. It was a lovefest and a dancefest and a drunkfest of the highest order.
Lots of adventures in Tahoe. More to come.
Note: Being followed by Hammer on Twitter equals cool. Being Retweeted by Hammer, well, that's ubercool.
You seriously never cease to surprise me. Not that you bump into celebrities, I have seen enough pictures to know that this is a regular occurance for you. No, what surprises me is that you would even attempt to copy Hammer's kid's moves. That is like trying to play hockey with Gretzky's kids, for cryin' out loud. As your friends, me and your spleen are just glad you didn't meet up with Laila Ali and her dad!
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