Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What Gender Are You?

This is interesting. You enter some text from your blog, or from whatever source you'd like, and the algorithm predicts your gender based on your word usage.

Oddly, when I tested the text from my entry about being bullied in high school, the algorithm predicted I was a female. Interesting.


Greeley Guy said...

I tried this on six different posts from my blog. Three times it thought I was male and three times it thought I was female.

I find it hard to believe that my writing style changes from one post to another.

Do you think it says something about how gay men think?

Chris Robinson said...

I would be more likely to beleive that this algorithm works if the computer programmer who wrote it can prove that he or she has ever been on an actual date...not virtual. With a HUMAN. Not an avatar.

Jen said...

Apparently, I blog like a man. I put in paragraphs from five different blogs.

D'nelle said...

I, too, blog like a man. I put in my 5 most recent and it says i'm a man.

I was feeling particulary testosterone-y today, but those posts were over the past two months, so that doesn't make sense.